Guidelines for Writing Task 2 ..... MUST READ
Task 2 tip
- Answer the
question read the question carefully and do exactly what it asks you to
do. You can then make a plan to help you order your ideas before you start
to write.
- Use an
appropriate structure. There are several different types of question that
you need to learn and they all have different structures.
- Most question
ask you what your opinion is about a certain topic. If they do, make sure
you make you opinion very clear throughout your essay.
- Keep it simple.
The examiners know you only have 40 minutes and do expect a masterpiece.
Don't overthink it. Often the best answers are the simplest ones.
- Don't show off.
You are being marked on vocabulary and grammar but that does not mean you
should try to use very complicated words. If you are not 100% sure. don't
use them.
- You should never
try to memorise or copy answers. Your grammar and vocabulary will be good
but you will not have answered the question.
- Don't overuse
words like 'moreover', 'however' and 'nowadays'. You can use these but
they should not be in every sentence. If you look at a Band 9 answer they
are rarely used.
- Never write a
sentence without a purpose. Each sentence has a job to do in an essay. If
it doesn't have a purpose, leave it out.
Answer the Question Not the Topic
- One of the
biggest complaints from IELTS teachers and examiners alike is most
students' inability to answer the question. Instead lots of students write
very generally about the topic and do not actually answer the question.
- If we look at an
example you will see why: Question-Global warming is one of the biggest
threats humans face in the 21st century and sea levels are continuing to
rise at alarming rates. What problems are associated with this and what
are some possible solutions. Many students will see this question and
write as much about global warming as they can think of. This is a mistake
because the IELTS writing test is not a test of your knowledge; it is a
test of your ability to answer the question with a high level of written
English. A good student would read the question carefully and realise that
the question is not asking you to talk about global warming; in fact, it
is asking you to comment on sea level rises with reference to humans. So
the answer to the question will only talk about the problems humans face
from sea level rises and nothing else. I often tell my students that you
should answer the question with a sniper rifle, rather than a shot gun.
Talking about the topic is the shot gun approach, you might hit a few
things but you are unlikely to hit the target in the way a sniper would.
Analyse the Question Properly
- If you don't
answer the question fully you can't get over a band 5. It is that simple
and it is probably the number one thing stopping people getting a high
score. It takes a long time to improve your grammar and vocabulary but you
can improve this very quickly.
- Answering the
question fully simply means reading the question carefully and then doing
what it asks you to do.
- Spend time
reading the question carefully and think about exactly what the question
is asking you to do
- A good way to
think about this is to use keywords (general topic), micro-keywords
(specific sub-topic) and instructions words (what we must do) when
thinking about your answer. Let's look at an example:"The continued
rise in the world's population is the greatest problem faced by humanity
at the present time. What are the causes of this continued rise? Do you
agree that it is the greatest problem faced by humanity?" The
keywords here are rise in the world's population. This is useful because
we now know the general topic (population growth), however, we can't
simply write about this topic generally, we must think about it in more
detail and figure out exactly what the question is asking us to do. The
micro-keywords are greatest problem and continued rise. Therefore, we have
to think about this topic more specifically and think about if it really
is the greatest problem we face and we also have to comment on why it is
continuing to rise. Now we must look for the instruction words. In this
question there are two different instruction words causes and Do you
agree?. We must therefore talk about both of these things in our essay. If
we don't or we just write a sentence or two about one and focus on the
other, we have not answered the question and we can't get over a band 5.
- The students who
get the highest marks always spend time making a plan before they start
writing. I normally tell my students to spend at least 5 minutes planning
and another couple of minutes analysing the question.
- Lots of students
don't plan and this leads to them getting lost in the middle of their test
and either having to start over again and losing lots of time or results
of a very confused essay that is difficult to follow. Think about this
way; if you were going to travel to a new place would you take some time
to look at a map or would you just start driving?
- A plan can be
very simple and just used to guide you.
Use an Appropriate Structure
- IELTS task 2
questions generally follow a standard format. They will either ask your
opinion about something, ask you to discuss to different points of view,
as you to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of something or discuss
the causes/problems and solutions of something.
- The great thing
about this is there are standard structures you can learn for each of
these essays. I am not talking about memorising essays, you should never
do this, but you should familiarise yourself with the standard structures.
- For example in a
problem and solution essay your structure should look something like this:
- Paragraph
- Sentence
1- Paraphrase Sentence
- Sentence
2- Outline Sentence
- Paragraph
- Sentence
3- State Problem
- Sentence
4- Explain Problem
- Sentence
5- Result of Problem
- Sentence
7- Example
- Paragraph
- Sentence
8- State Solution
- Sentence
9- Explain Solution
- Sentence
10- Example
- Paragraph
- Sentence
11- Conclusion
- Sentence
12- Recommendation/Prediction
Don't Show Off
- To show off is
to try to tell everyone how good you are at something. IELTS candidates
try to show off by using very complicated vocabulary and advanced grammar
and believe this will show the examiner how good they are and that you
deserve a high score. The only problem with this is that many people use
vocabulary and grammar they are unsure of and this leads to lots of
- If you try to
use advanced vocabulary and grammar structures, but use them incorrectly,
you will actually get a lower score. It is much better to use a simpler
structure you are 100% sure is correct. I always tell my students to
follow the 100% rule- if you are not 100% sure, don't use it.
- This is one of
the biggest revelations my students have after their first class with me
and it leads to clearer writing and ultimately higher bands scores.
Make Your Opinion Clear
- Most of the Task
2 questions ask you to give your opinion. You should make this very clear
in the introduction, conclusion and the main body paragraphs. Make sure
you state your opinion in the introduction, if asked to do so, by saying:
- I
believe that.
- It
is agreed that
- It
is disagreed that
- This
essays agrees that.
- This
essay does not agree that.
- The rest of your
essay should then be used to demonstrate why you believe this to be true.
What Are Your Common Grammar Mistakes?
- After marking
thousands of IELTS papers, I can tell you that students tend to make the
same mistakes over and over again.
- These small
grammar mistakes might not seem very significant, but unless at least half
of your sentences are 100% error free, you cannot get over a band 7 for
grammatical range and accuracy.
- You should
therefore get a native speaker or a professional IELTS teacher to mark
some of your writing and tell you what your common grammar mistakes are
and then you can fix them. If you know the mistakes you are making, you
can practice hard and eliminate them from your writing.
Write Slightly Over the Word Limit
- Did you know
that IELTS examiners count every word of your writing test? It's a very
boring job but they still do it.
- For task 1 you
have to write at least 150 words and for task 2 at least 250 words. That
means if you write 149 words for task 1 you will lose marks. It is
therefore essential that you write over the word limit.
- You will not
have time to count every word, so the best thing you can do is practice
using the official answer sheets and you will then know what 150 words and
250 words looks like on the page without having to count every word.
- Lots of students
also ask if it is better to write over the word limit. The answer is no
because you don't have time and writing more than is required often leads
to more grammar mistakes and your ideas becoming irrelevant. Try to write
about 10-15% over what is required. This way you will always go over the
word limit, but not lose time or make mistakes.
Write Clear Topic Sentences
- Topic sentences
should be the first sentence you write in each main body paragraph and
should tell the reader what the rest of the paragraph is about. These
really pop out at the examiner and tell them exactly what the whole essay
is about. They make your essay very clear and easy to read and this will
not only make the examiner very happy, but also get you higher marks.
Explain Your Points and Give Examples
- The official
task 2 band descriptors state that your ideas should be relevant, fully
extended and have well supported ideas.
- This means that
your ideas should not only answer the question (see IELTS writing tip 1),
but also be explained and supported with examples.
- When you make a
point you should assume that the writer has no previous knowledge of the
subject and you have to explain what you mean. I often tell my students to
pretend they are writing to a 10 year old who has never heard of the topic
you are writing about and this will help you to fully explain your ideas.
- You also need to
include a very specific example of what you are talking about. This could
be a newspaper article, a personal anecdote or some research that was
recently done that relates to the question. The key is to try and be
specific. Including specific countries or cities and dates will help you
be more specific.
- Lots of students
complain that they cannot think of any specific examples. If you are
unable to think of a real example, simply make one up. The examiner will
not check your examples for authenticity; it is not an honesty test, it is
an English test. Just make sure your examples sound plausible.
Learn How to Paraphrase and Use Synonyms
- Paraphrasing and
using synonyms are two of the key skills required in the IELTS writing
test. In fact, the examiner will be looking for your ability to do this.
- Paraphrasing is
simply restating a phrase or sentence with different words, so that it has
the same meaning.
Don't Memorise Answers
- Every question
is unique and will therefore require a unique answer. If you memorise
answers and try to write them in the exam, your grammar and vocabulary
will probably be very good, but it will be very obvious to the examiner
that you have memorised an answer. This is considered copying and the
examiner can give you a band score of 0 for this.
- The examiner
will always know, so it is really not worth the risk.
- It is worthwhile
looking at good sample answers and using some of the functional language
and structure from these, but please don't copy it word for word.
Start Task 2 Before Task 1
- Task 2 is worth
two thirds of the total marks of the IELTS writing exam and task 1 is
worth one third. You should take both as seriously as each other, but
because task 2 is worth more marks and takes longer, I advise my students
to do task 2 first.
- When you mark
lots of IELT exams, you notice that lots of students fail to finish task 2.
I think many people try to write the perfect task 1 answer, or take too
long trying to understand the data in task 1 and this leaves them with
very little time to finish task 2.
- Timing is key in
all parts of the IELTS exam so you should practice under exam conditions
before you do the test.
It's Not an Intelligence Test
- One of the
biggest complaints I hear from students about the IELTS writing test is
that they don't understand the questions and they can't think of any good
writing test is not a test of your intelligence, it is a test of your
ability to express relevant ideas in English. Your ideas do not have to be
the most amazing ideas in the world, just ones that are relevant to the
question. When you go to university, your ideas have to be intelligent',
but in the IELTS test they just have to be relevant and answer the
- For each
question there are probably 10-20 ideas that could get you a band 9; there
is no one perfect idea that will get you a high score.
- When you are
thinking of ideas for your answer, you should pick the ones you can use.
What I mean by use is the answers you can explain and extend with
examples. As stated above, you can't just list lots of ideas, you have to
pick 2 or three and then fully support them with explanations and
examples. It does not matter how good the idea is, if you can't fully
support and extend it, don't use it.
Only Use Cohesive Devices Appropriately
- I post lots of
band 9 IELTS task 2 sample answers on this site and I am often surprised
when students tell me that they are not band 9. The main reason they think
this is You haven't used enough cohesive devices.
- Below are lots
of examples of cohesive devices:
- Comparison:
also, equally, simillarly, likewise, compared with
- Addition:
and, also, furthermore, too, what is more
- Exemplification:
for example, for instance, to illustrate, such as, namely
- Sequencing:
First, second, next, then, after
- Result:
so, therefore, as a result, thus, because
- Contrast:
in comparison, in contrast, instead, on the contrary, conversely
- Qualifying:
but, however, although, except, unless
- Reformulation:
in other words, put more simply, that is to say, rather, in simple terms
- Highlighting:
in particular, especially, mainly, particularly, above all
- Transition:
turning to, with regard to, with reference to, as far as X is, concerned
- The problem with
these is they are overused by most students. Some people think that the
key to a good score is using as many of these as possible, when in fact it
will only harm your score if your use them incorrectly.
- Similar to my
rule for grammar, only use them if you are 100% sure what they mean and
how they are used.
Keep It Simple
- The examiners
know that you have only 40 minutes to write an essay and you are doing it
in a foreign language. They do not expect you to write to the same
standard that you would if you were given lots of time to think about the
questions, research your answer, write a first draft, have it checked and
then correct all of your mistakes. The examiners are not expecting an
essay of that standard so don't try to overthink it. Just show them in a
simple way that you have understood the question and you can express
yourself in English. That's it.
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